About Us

About Us

Kehinde Kassim & Co is a firm of Chartered Accountants. The firm offers a wide range of services, Which include Audit & Assurance;Tax;and Advisory services to clients in various sectors of the economy. Our practice is adequately staffed with young, dynamic, competent and well-qualified Nigeria who have acquired quality professional training and first class experience.Our staff has been exposed to business information in the global market with special understandin of the Nigeria business enviroment.

The quality of our services os of paramount importance to us and we therefore up-todate management tools to perform and implement assignment as required by our clients. Our clients also have access to up-to-date information from our data banl in respect of their own areas of operation, and their request to us in this regard is treated with dispatch and almost confidentiality. Our level of competence is shown by the range of services we are able to offer.

Our Vision

To be a key player in the strategic professional Accounting services market, renowned for quality, Prompt and inventive service delivery.

Our Mission

To provide qualitative professional accountancy and allied services in timely and professional manner while assisting our clients to operate more efficiently and profitably towards achieving their corporate objectives.

Years of Practice
0 +
Dedicated team
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Happy Clients
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Clients Testimonial

Key Management Staff

MD, Managing Consultant

Director, Professional Practice


Director, Government Business and Technology

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