Advisory Services



At Kehinde Kassim & Co (Chartered Accountants), we understand the critical role of training in the development of an organization’s human capital resource base. Real growth and value delivery to an enterprise’s stakeholders cannot be assured without a well- trained and highly motivated woorkforce. High impact training and retraining is imperative for sustainable productivity. Over the years, we have played a significant role in supporting our clients quest for excellence in this area.

KKC employs well-establish proven training tools,including;

Practical Case Studies- Highly proven practical scenarios reflecting current state situations drawn from various industries.

Full knowledge transfer-access to our tools, templates, models, etc
Our approach to training is interactive and is based on skills transfer from the outset so that your reliance on external consultants is minimised and in-house expertise is developed, Hands on Training- This is intended to be a comprehensive course designed to enable those who deal with the entity’s operation on a day-to-day basis gain a practical and in-depth understanding. Network of facilitators- We have structured our faculty to include representation from KKC’s professionals. Specifically, we have access to our most senior business and technical advisors to the team for consultation. Facilitator Led Learning-Facilitator-led sessions supplemented by pre and post learning modules to be completed by all participants.

This approach will allow for a single level of accreditation, which participants can achieve upon effective completion of the curriculum.

In applying our methodology, we consistently come to a robust solution which will provide you with a complete picture of how a change in accounting frameworks can impact the way business transition’s and events are reported. We also ensure that you are armed with a solution for dealing with the required changes that is tailored and specific to the company’s business objectives.


KKC will add value and contribute to clients competitive advantage by handling their non-core activities, so as to give them the opportunity to focus on their core competences to enhance customers’ satisfaction, and avoiding the high cost of setting up a seperate accounts department.

The firm is aimed at providing quality services, by ensuring that the accounting service is carried out by professionals with reliable accounting software, hereby bringing about significant cost savings to clients.

Our Accounting Advisory Services include;
Setting up the necessary books of accounting, and advice on the necessary controls that should be in place in order to ensure the correctness, accuracy and validity of all transactions.

. Preparing monthly management accounts in accordance with necessary accounting standards through the use of reliable accounting software

. Advise management on improving the profitability position via quantitative and qualitative factors

. Preparation of monthly bank reconciliation statement

. Maintain fixed asset register for all client’s asset

. Review of bank charges

. Preparation of monthly payroll

. Inventory/Stock Management

. Preparation of monthly Budgetary & Control Reports

. Business Plan/Feasibility Report.

We understand that companies are faced with and recognize the unique opportunity to leverage the IFRS Conversion and Implementation in re- engineering their business processes and we are uniquely positioned to successfully help mid- wife the delivery of the International Financial Reporting Standard[IFRS]reporting architecture for companies.

We have continuously built our resources. methodology, skills, experience and exposure to position ourselves to provide IFRS training, conversion and implementation project to clients. As a result, we are entirely confident in our abilities to meet your needs with expertise of our resources, and to exceed your expectations with sheer determination to deliver outstanding quality services.

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