Audit & Assurance



Our audit services help clients in fulfilling the statutory requirements as to the independent examination of the company’s accounts and records tp ascertain whether they express a true and fair view of the company’s fanacial position.

The audited account satisfies a lot of needs of various parties which include the Government for tax purpose: the general public to guild in investment decisions: the financial institutions to guild them in offering financial assistance: the shareholders to ascertain the performance of the Company etc.

At KKC, our approach is to deliver a quality audit that is risk-based, industry-specific, and tailored to your particular operational structure and size.

With the growing complexity of infractions within the business environment, organizations generally continue to experience challenges that could impede on the achievement of their objectives Forensic Accounting professionals are increasingly engaged to provide services to enhance processes and procedures, prevent or resolve infractions and ensuure informed decisions

The scope of this service include:
. Fraud Examination & Investigation

. Business/Share Valuation

. Economic Loss quantification

. Litigation support

. Assets recovery


This service involves a comprehensive investigation into the underlying operations of an entity with the objectives of conducting a review and analysis of the risks inherent to the overall organization, the management of the entity, the market in which the entity operates, as well as any legal, tax, technical and other related risks. Our approach rests on the determining the sustainability of the business model of the organization going forward.

We approach the exercise far beyond the level of verifying information received from the company data and or discussions with the organization’s management. Rather, we align assumptions to the business model based on the strategy.

Our team also understands the importance of establishing efficiently communication and interim reporting channels upfront in order to expedite the exchange of information.


The first step in ensuring the achievement of the organizational objective is to accurately identify risks that could impede its achievement and take steps to ensure that such risks do not occur or at worst is under control.

Our risk management service entails risk identification, ascertainment of like hood and impact of occurrence, assessment of existing control actions and how residual risks would be treated.


Internal control in any organization is very critical as it ensures that policies and procedures put in place by management towards realization of corporate objectives are not violated. It is how ever essential that internal controls are checked from time to time for continued significance and reliability for the purpose for which they are set up. This service is designed to close identified gaps that may occur in current internal control procedures and thus ensure that control are always up to date.


Regulatory compliance is a denting task that can greatly impact a business’s day-to-day operations. Business are legally required to demonstrate corporate regulatory compliance and responsibility by protecting their own information, as well as that their customers. Hefty penalties and diminished reputation due to non-compliance have made corporate regulatory compliance service a major daunting issue for most organization.

At KKC, our clients enjoy the confidence provide by our expertise in dealing with regulations and corporate regulatory commissions. Our team of consultants helps identify applicable regulations and guilds you through the process of achieving compliance, while also providing insights of the regulatory process, corporate regulatory compliance requirements, and regulator expectations.

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