Tax Services

The corporate tax compliance service relates to the annual recurrent tax computation and filling of tax returns with Revenue. The scope of this services includes:
Computation of tax liability for inclusion in the audited accounts
Preparation and filing of annual returns
Liaison with the Federal Inland Revenue Service
Processing withholding tax credit notes
Responding to tax queries arising from desk examinations of submitted returns
Obtaining annual tax clearance certificate.
The scope of this service includes:
. Pre-Tax Audit exercise
. Providing support during the audit exercise
. Review of tax audit finding
. Liaise with the revenue
. Obtain final clearance
Strategic Tax Planning service involves the structuring of business activities in such a way to minimize the overall corporate tax burden. It also involves the provision of advice on how best to handle a particular business direction in the most tax-efficient way. On request, we shall provide general tax planning service to the company with the aim of minimizing its tax exposure and ensuring that full advantage is taken of all appropriate and relevant incentives and capital allowances claims. If agreed, we shall hold tax planning meeting with your management well before the financial yeah begins in order to discuss and agree on specific tax planning measures that may be of advantage to the company for that tax year.

In connection with the PAYE tax services mentioned above, our work will encompasses the following:
. Compiling from the information supplied in respect of each employee, the monthly payroll showing the basic salary, the allowances, the gross pay, the tax due, the statutory deductions, and the net amount payable
. Collecting of income tax form (form A) from the tax office on behalf of your employees;
. Assisting in the completion of income tax forms (Form A) and e-tcc form;
. Agreeing on an annual basis, each employee’s free pay allowances with the state board of Internal Revenue;
. Compiling the returns of PAYE taxes payable to the State’s Board of Internal Revenue;
. Filling end of year returns to the State Board of Internal Revenue; and
. Obtaining, as and when required, Tax Clearance Certificate for each employee.